On 24 January 2025, the International Day of Education is celebrated under the theme “AI and Education: Human Agency in an Automated World”. Educating and empowering people to help protect local and global water resources is critical to addressing today’s global water challenges.
GEMS/Water and WWQA team members recently published an article in the WWQA Yemaya newsletter on the critical role of education in addressing water quality challenges (pages 9-13).
They highlight the powerful approach of training citizen scientists, enabling them to monitor their local water bodies, raising awareness of local water quality issues and helping to fill the data gap on global water quality.
The article also highlights the educational programme offered by the GEMS/Water Capacity Development Centre (CDC) at University College Cork in Ireland between 2015 and 2023, and provides an overview of the educational resources developed by the CDC that are still available online.
In addition, GEMStat and its related products also represent comprehensive educational resources.
Capacity development is one of the core missions of the GEMS/Water programme, and we are pleased to celebrate this year’s International Day of Education with you.