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Welcome to our data section!

Water quality data in the GEMStat database are voluntarily provided by countries and organisations from their own monitoring networks. The data may be used for status evaluation, research purposes or within the scope of education and training initiatives. The data policy can be set by the data providers on a per-submission level. In all cases, water quality data contained in the GEMStat database are the property of the respective data providers. In all products based on data from GEMStat, the originators of the data and the UNEP GEMS/Water Programme must be properly acknowledged (Data policy).

Data portal:

Explore available water quality data and view statistical visualisations at different spatial scales.

Data portal

Water quality indicators:

Visualise the status of freshwater bodies worldwide by means of water quality classification maps.

Water quality indicators

Statistic reports:

Retrieve aggregated statistics of GEMStat water quality data, for the spatial coverage and the aggregation level you need.

Statistic Reports

Data submission:

Read our data policy and data submission manuals and learn about how to contribute to GEMStat.

Data submission